summary | ||
public |
public |
public |
C Vol Store a 3D volume of numbers with width(sx), height(sy), depth(depth) for the network. |
public |
Data augmentation to the given |
public |
F img_to_vol(img: HTMLImageElement, grayScale: boolean): Vol Load an HTML DOM image to a virtual canvas and get the pixles data. |
public |
F arrContains(array: Array, element: undefined): boolean Check if an |
public |
Creates a duplicate-free version of an array |
public |
Check the given |
public |
F gaussRandom(): number Return a number by following Gaussian distribution by using Box-Muller Transform |
public |
Return the given |
public |
Return the max/min information of a given value list. |
public |
Return a random float number between |
public |
Return a random integer number between |
public |
Return a random number based on the given |
public |
Generate a incrementing number list between 0 and |
public |
Return a zero based number list by given size |
public |
F weightedSample(array: Array, probabilities: Array): * Return a sample of the given |
public |
F zeros(n: number): Float64Array Return a series of 0 |
public |